WordPress is a powerful tool to build websites that was released in 2003, this open-source CMS or content management system powers some of the biggest brands on the planet like The New Yorker, Sony Music, and Walt Disney. 59.5% of all the websites that use a content management system are built with WordPress. And right behind WordPress for most used CMS, Joomla has a 5.9% market share. Just these numbers alone show you it should be your number one choice for developing a website, but if your still not convinced, take a look at a few other great reasons below. Then make sure to contact Tatem SEO for your next website proposal.

CMS Framework
Google and Bing, tend to rank websites that use WordPress higher than those that don’t due to the easy to crawl CMS framework. Did you know in 2009 Matt Cutts of Google personally endorsed WordPress?
Use With Ease
WordPress is flexible enough to assist all your needs through its extensions and plugins, no matter if you’re using this site builder for a personal blog, ecommerce, or small company website.
Device Compatible
WordPress is mobile friendly, with most themes automatically responsive. But your websites theme isnt responsive, there is another option for websites to be viewed in “mobile view”.
Name Brands
WordPress is serious business website solution with about 75 million websites powered by it. For example well-known brands like Mozilla and Coca Cola currently use WordPress.